Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Creative Hour

A daily practice is the core of all successful artists. Jerry Lebo

Last night, I read an article on creativity, artists and time. Jerry Lebo, the Sixty Minute Artist, stated that he had read there are three essential qualities that lead to a successful artist:

1. Curiosity


3.Good Work Habits

Of these three he believes good work habits are the most important. Now you might ask, Why are good work habits so important for an artist? Well,One key work habit is organizing/scheduling your day. If you don't plan your day with time to create scheduled in, then it may not happen. This idea hit me as being so relevant and profound to the way I live my life.
As a mother of three very busy children, I am always very aware of their schedules for art, dance, friends, sports and homework. I make sure they are on time and ready to participate. Then, I start to wonder, what about me? When is it my time to play and recreate? It is so easy to put my desired activities at the bottom of the list when something comes up in their lives. I realize, I have not given my time the value I have given their time . Yet, it is all related, here is the difference it can make. If I am able to carve a moment to create or play if you will, I am a happier person and a happier chauffeur, cook, laundress, confidant and friend. Therefore, a better mom! I feel satisfied and the endless drop offs and pick-ups go so much smoother. In addition, I also have a different identity for that short moment each day: scrapbooker, paper artist or creator! It is both liberating and therapeutic. So if I want to create every day, then I must schedule it in EVERYDAY!

So to the stamped mantra of my friend Michelle," Do something creative every day"
I will add, "by making it a priority in your schedule!"


Christine Delgadillo said...

AMEN Sista! (and can insert the sista neck roll in there too---and hands on hip!)

Michelle Rout said...

I like the thought of making it a priority everyday...

Of course I think I need to add to his list though...have a workplace cleared off to create! Otherwise, no place to get things's one of the reasons I love digital...only need the keyboard and mouse! =)